The World of Pryz

In the beginning, there were the five sibling gods and the Void. The gods considered the vast emptiness and found it lifeless and dull, and so decided to make a place befitting them. Roak brought forth fire and shaped a beating heart of magma for the new planet. Daviil brought forth earth and swaddled the heart in mountains and valleys of stone. Liaplur placed rivers and oceans in the many wrinkles and trenches, filling the gaps in her brother’s work. Primavera saw the stillness of the new place and seeded plants across the surface and below the water, bringing green growing life. Thrakeevia let out a sigh and her breath stirred the leaves, drew waves across the water, and howled across the tallest peaks. The gods looked upon their new world and were proud, so they named it Pryz. 

Time passed, and the gods found that while their world was good, it was still dull. Plants grew and died, water flowed and ebbed, but it did not shine like they did, so they began their work anew. Animals filled the plains, mountains and oceans, behaving as animals do, and the gods found something strange. Where their touch lingered in the living things they had created, there was something bright, something Vibrant. So each of the gods began to shape new life. 

Roak dipped his hands into molten rock and pulled forth the Mataura, strong of body and strong of will to brave the wildest places. Daviil delved deep into the caves and emerged with the Camozii, with curious ears and sturdy claws. Liaplur slipped beneath the waves, marveling at the many forms of life under the water. When she walked upon the shore again, the Icthyans walked with her. Primavera planted new seeds and the Chlyads grew from the soil, with forms as changeable as the seasons. Thrakeevia found the industry of Pryz’s smallest creatures most pleasing, and so the Vespith took to the skies to build their grand hives. Each of the new races were Vibrant with their god’s blessing, and all was well. 

It was then the gods considered their Pryz and found while no longer dull, their peoples were aimless. And so the gods sought to give their children a new direction, creating a Beacon for them to follow. Whomever and their kind found the Beacon would be raised to enlightenment like the gods themselves. With new passion, the races spread across Pryz under their gods’ watchful eyes. So distracted, the gods did not see when something else stirred within the Void. 

It was a dark, Profane thing. It heard of the Beacon and grew jealous, for it wanted to be as the gods were. It reached across Pryz and made its own races to search for the Beacon. They were foul copies of the gods’ work, but without the souls to make them Vibrant. Jealous, these Tarnished stole the Vibrance around them without care for the damage they wrought. The gods heard the screams of their people and bound the Profane One, sealing it away from their precious children. Thus the people of the world were given warning, beware the Profane One. Beware the Tarnished.